0 Chopper Commando version 2 was written by Mark2Currie in Turbo Pascal 5. This isn't a super game,5I'm only fifteen years old and learning. I have spent3many months on CHOPPER2 and would deeply appreciate6any contributions which would allow me to create games6for all to enjoy. I do have verson 2.5 which is ident-4ical to this, but it has 5 additional missions under"a "Very Hard" difficulty section. (There are also a few other improvements.+ For a copy just send 5 dollars payable to
Mark Currie,
25 Sea Breeze,
Delray Bch., FL 334830 If you request, I'll send you the source code.3 Just remember that I'm only a beginning programmer2 and that's why the source code to version 2.5 has
little documentation in it.U
Up - up arrow+ Left - left arrow Right - right arrow Down - down arrow* F1 or "G" - toggle landing gear & F2 or "E" - eject/exit craft
"B" or ins key - drop bomb! space key - launch bomb$ "N" - drop mega bomb$ "M" - launch missile" "T" - toggle mouse
"P" - pause' "S" - toggle game speed" "X" - toggle sound
Esc - quit game' "A" - toggle auto-eject4 home , PgUp keys - throws grenades (when ejected)
Objectives :
- complete missions
- destroy the enemy
- protect the good guys
- stay alive, Once ejected wait for a backup helicopter.( To land : make sure gear is down, lower) slowly, make contact with leveled land. ' Once you complete your mission return) back to base. Try to stay alive to build
up your pilot's stats.
Scoring :
- completing missions
- destorying the enemy
- high difficulty
- staying alive
Tips...- This is not an easy game. Beginners should-start off on an easy difficultly. Adjust game"speed to skill, slower the easier./ Using the mouse makes landings a little harder+but make air-to-air combat much easier. You.can always toggle your mouse on/off during the
game. (press "T"). An unavoidable bug in the game is explosions,partly off the screen temporarily freeze the.game. (It takes about 3-10 seconds to remember+the explosion hole, only on some machines) + To exit helicopter without ejecting : land.then press "E". To enter the helicopter : walk
into it.% Caps-Lock should be off. Good Luck!( Gear must be UP for auto-eject to work.U
Select Game Difficulty:
1) WIMP (150 bombs)
2) AVERAGE (75 bombs)
3) COMMANDO (50 bombs)U
R0press ENTER to confirm, F1 to create a new pilotU
$ROSTER name,rank,missions,aver.score
alive/Type name of pilot, then enter.(max 15 letters)0press ENTER to confirm, F1 to create a new pilot
dead' Sorry he's dead. Select a living pilot
missing- Sorry he's missing in action. Select another
retired- Sorry he's retired. Select a different pilotU
v 2.0
by Mark Currie
P)ractice Mission
Mouse Detected.
No Mouse Detected.
1 : L ^ g y
Mission Stats
mission score
time in flight (sec.)
damage on enemy (mil.)
hits taken
Life Time Stats
total missions
total score
average score
total damage in (mil.)U
. . .
Back in Washington they are
investigating the incedent. The conclusion has been reached:
They believe the enemy heli- copter destroyed the base. Your
name is cleared.! They believe that you intention-# ally destroyed the base and killed" 32 people. You will be put in the
chair. Good bye.
dead They believe the cruise missile! destroyed the base. Your name is# cleared. Washington is disapointed
in your performance.
They believe the enemy plane
bombed the base. Your name is
"Ah darn, we lost another one."
"It's O.K. General life goes
on. For most of us anyways."
"I am sorry to say that your"husband has been killed in action"!"It's O.K. General he wasn't that!good of a husband either. Are you
doing anything tonight?"""I can't believe that he crashed!"#"You can't predict things like this General."!"I know, but that helicopter cost
4 million dollars!"$"Well General you remember our bet."
"I know, here's your 5 bucks."
"Sure gonna miss old top gun."
"Yeh, you can say that again."
"Good work son!"
"Why thank you General."
"Tell me son, do you like Cuban
"Thank you, General."
"You know I used to be a pilot like you. Back in 1943 I was..."
"Good work pilot!"
"I actually didn't think you
could pull it off."
"Good work son,
You're a regular Top Gun."
"I expected more from you. Next
time DO BETTER!"
"Sorry sir."
"We both know you can
do better than that."
DONE!! You call yourself an Air#Force pilot. Get out of my office!"U
Private 2nd Liut. 1st Liut.
CONGRATULATIONS :' You have been promoted to the rank of:
Keep up the good work!
PS, go past the mountain!U
MISSION RESULTS :$ You destoryed the "P-77" helicopter in less than 1 minute. Good job!&The General would like to congratulate
you.% You destroyed the "P-77" helicopter.$But not in 1 minute! Are forces were%massively delayed! The General wants
to see you in his office! The "P-77" helicopter was not$destroyed! Next time do your mission"before returning home! The General
wants to see you in his office!!destroyed and you tragicly killed"in action. You will be remembered.$ The "P-77" helicopter was destroyed
but you were tragicly killed in
action. You will be remembered.
You failed in completing your
mission.! You destroyed the cruise missile
and returned safely. Good Job.% You destoryed the "P-79" helicopter."Good job! You are ready for more. The "P-79" helicopter was not$ The "P-79" helicopter was destroyed" You destoryed the E. I. building."Kuremee has been killed. Good job.
The Kuremee was not killed! Next time do your mission before!returning home! The General wants
to see you in his office! Now!$ The E. I. Building was destroyed.%Kuremee was creamed, but so were you.
You will be remembered.$ The E.I.Building was not destroyed,
and you were tragicly killed in! You destoryed the radar. It will take at least 7 days for them to
replace it. Now we can initiate
our surprise attack. Good work!
The radar wasn't destroyed!
Always do your mission before!returning home. I guess will have"to get a real pilot to do the job.#The General would like to say some-$thing to you in. He's in his office." The radar was destroyed but you!were tragicly killed. You will be
The radar was not destroyed,
You transfered the top secret
device within two minutes and
returned safely. Good work!
device. But not in two minutes!
The timing was critical, and
you mess up! The device wasn't transfered!
The General wants you in his
office pronto!
The device was sent, but you
remembered for your valor.
You were killed before getting
a chance to transfer to secret
device. You will be remebered.
papers successfully. Good job.! The papers weren't transfered!"to get a REAL pilot to do the job.
office right now!" The papers weren't sent and you
You picked up the top secret
capsule and returned it to
NorthCape Base. The General
is very pleased.
Private 2nd Luit. 1st Luit.
This could mean a promotion.
capsule but, you returned it
to the wrong base! You were
supposed to return it to
NorthCape Base. The capsule wasn't retrieved!!to get some other pilot to do the!job. The General wants you in his
office." The capsule was retrieved but you
remembered for your courage.
a chance to retrieve the secret
capsule. You will be remebered.
You destroyed the tower.
Now we can initiate our
attack on the enemy terr-
itory. Good job.
You didn't do your mission!
You were supposed to destroy
the tower! Now we can't
attack the enemy territory
because the tower is guarding
The tower wasn't destroyed.
You were killed in action. You
will be remembered.
The tower was destroyed but so!were you. You will be remembered.
You destroyed the lab.
No more worry of that
weapon now. Good job.
the lab! They might you the
the weapon on us now! Hope-
fully you.
The lab wasn't destroyed.
The lab was destroyed but so
All of the enemy buildings
have been destroyed. It will
take them at least a year for
them to recover. You are a
true Commando. Great work.
You destroyed most of the
buildings, but not all of
them. The enemy is working
on repair. We might get some
attacks because the enemy
wasn't totally destroyed.
You did not complete your
mission. The General isn't
pleased. You destroyed some buildings,
but you are unfortunately apart!of the rubble. You will be remem-
bered for your effort.
You were killed before
completing your mission.
You will be remembered for
your bravery.# You destroyed most of the build-$ings, but you were killed in action.&You will be remembered for your skill.& You destroyed all of the buildings,'but you were tragicly killed in action.%You will be remembered for your great
skill.% You failed to destroy any buildings.&Do your mission before returning home!$ You destroyed the enemy guard tower"and returned home alive. Good Job!
The tower wasn't destroyed!"returning home! I guess we'll have to get REAL pilot to do the job.# The tower was destroyed, but you#were taken out too. Good Try. You
will be remembered for trying.
The tower was not destroyed,! You destroyed the enemy tank and"returned home alive. Good Job! The"General would like to congratulate
The Tank wasn't destroyed!! The tank was destroyed, but so"were you. You will be remembered.
The tank was not destroyed,
action." You destroyed the enemy transport
plane returned home alive. The
General is very happy about it.
plane returned home alive. But
Ocale Base was destroyed.
The plane wasn't destroyed."returning home. I guess we'll have to get a better pilot next time." The plane was destroyed, but so
The plane was not destroyed,
The base has been destoryed."Nobody is left from the explosion.
Everyone is dead except you.
press space keyU
MISSION 1A :" A large attack is planned against
enemy territory. An enemy heli-!copter "P-77" is currently guard-
ing the west side of the enemy
territory. Your mission is to"destroy the "P-77" located 2 miles
(2 screens) east of Ocale Base,!then return to Ocale Base to con-!firm the kill. You have 1 minute.U
MISSION 2A :" A cruise missile has been spotted!on our radar. It's headed for our"base (Ocale base). It's located 10!miles east going 250 MPH west. It$must be destructed before it reaches#our base. Return home after mission complete.U
A "P-79" helicopter has been
sited on radar. It's currently
5 miles east of Ocale Base (our base) going 60 to 70 MPH west in!our direction. Fire apon sight of
aircraft. We are very confident!that his intentions are negitive.
Then return home to Ocale Base.
WARNING - the "P-79" has double
MISSION 4A : Kuremee-Gabaree-Ushaad has been
sited at the Enemy Intelligence#Building located 4 miles(4 screens) east of Ocale base. Kuremee is a#known terrorist and must be killed.
Your mission is to destroy the"E. I. Building locate 4 miles east
of Ocale base (our base)."Note - Enemy bountries are 2 miles
east of Ocale Base. Good Luck.U
The Enemy Radar has made it
impossible for suprise attacks against them. An upcoming attack
will require the radar to be
destroyed. Your mission is to
destroy the enemy radar located
5 miles east of Ocale base (our
base) then return home safely.
Good Luck.U
A special military device must
sent to NorthCape base located
12 miles east of Ocale base.
It must be sent in less then 2
minutes. Return home to Ocale Base when mission complete. Good
MISSION 7A :! A top secret papers must be sent!to NorthCape base locate 12 miles!east (12 screens to the right) of
Ocale Base. You will be flying#over enemy territory so be careful.
Hint - fly as fast as possible.U
Thirty minutes ago a transport helicopter was shot down. It was
carrying a top secret capsule.
Luckily the capsule was ejected
before the plane went down.
Your mission is to recover the
capsule and return it saftly to
NorthCape Base which is located 12 miles east of Ocale Base. The RED capsule in located approx. 8
miles east of Ocale Base. You must exit your aircraft and per-
sonally retreive the capsule.U
We are planning an attack on
enemy territory. First the
tower located 3 miles west of
NorthCape Base (3 screens to
the left) must be destoryed so
we are sure to get by it. Your
mission is to destroy the
tower. Return home after miss-
ion complete. Good Luck.U
We received top secret inform-
ation on special weapon being
developed at an enemy lab. The
lab must be destroyed. Your
mission is to destory the lab
located 4 miles west of North-
Cape Base (4 screens to the
left). Return home after miss-
ion complete. Good Luck.U
A full state of war now
exists. The General thinks
you're the only one who can
do this seemingly impossible
mission. Your mission is to
destroy everything. If it's
a part of the enemy, destroy
it. Good luck.U
An attack on enemy territory
is in the planning. First the
enemy guard tower must be de-
stroyed. It is located 3 miles
(3 screens) west of North Cape
Base. Fly directly over it and
release as many bombs as it
takes. Return home to North
Cape Base when mission com-
plete. Good luck pilot.U
Countless aircraft of ours
have been shot down by a X-10
tank. We are fed up with it.
Your mission is to destroy the
X-10 tank located 4 miles west
of NorthCape Base. Return home
when mission complete.
Good Luck!U
MISSION 15A :" We've spotted an enemy transport#plane flying west at 200 mph. It is"located 3 miles west of North Cape"Base. We suspect it is planning to#bomb Ocale Base. Your mission is to"destroy the transport plane before
it reaches Ocale Base.
Good Luck!U
MISSION 14A :" We've spotted an enemy transport#plane flying west at 200 mph. It is$located 10 miles east of Ocale Base.%We suspect it is planning to bomb us.$Your mission is to intercept and de-#stroy the transport plane before it
reaches Ocale Base.
Good Luck!U
Beginner Practice :
Your mission is to fly 3
screens to the right (3 miles)
then shoot down the helicopter.
After that return back to the
base. Remember press E to eject if things look rough. Good Luck!U
Mission Results :
You completed your beginner"mission. The General thinks you're!ready to do a real one next time. Good job.U
Good Try :
You unfortunatly failed to"complete your mission. The General"recommends you to try this mission"again until you can accomplish it.U